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Rock Insurance
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142 Route 70
Medford, NJ 08055

Rock Insurance Agency Blog

Home Insurance In Major Catastrophes: A Car Striking Your Home

The worst situation you could imagine for your home has impacted you: an unsafe driver just ran into your home. This frustrating scenario is one we have experienced at Rock Insurance Agency Inc. Thankfully, we can help Medford, NJ residents in this tough spot.

What Happens When Someone Hits Your Home With a Car

When someone hits your home with their car, they are obviously considered liable for the accident. As a result, their auto insurance policy will pay for the damages to your home up to the limit of their policy. This situation may be beneficial as you could get away without having to use your policy. 

However, situations regularly occur in which you’ll likely need to use your home insurance policy. For example, what happens if a person’s auto insurance covers $20,000 in damage, and you experience $30,000? You’re either stuck with the bill, or you have to make a claim on your auto insurance. 

In this situation, your home insurance will pay whatever is left over, up to your policy limits. So if the person who caused the accident pays $25,000 out of a $60,000 repair bill, your home insurance will pay for the remaining $35,000, depending on your policy limits. 

If your policy limit does not cover the full repairs, your insurance will pay out what it can, and you’ll have to pay for the rest. In areas near heavy traffic (such as homes near freeway exits), it isn’t a bad idea to consider expanding your limits to ensure you don’t get in a bad situation.

Don’t Hesitate to Make a Claim 

If you have a home insurance policy with us at Rock Insurance Agency Inc., please contact us if your home gets hit by a car. We can also help Medford, NJ residents get a policy that works for their needs if they are not covered adequately.