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Rock Insurance
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142 Route 70
Medford, NJ 08055

Rock Insurance Agency Blog

Remodeling your home? Be sure to check your insurance policy first

Rock Insurance Services is proud to serve homeowners’ insurance needs in Medford, NJ, and the greater Tri-State area. Home improvements are often a significant undertaking. Let our team help you make sure you’ve got the coverage you need before you get started. Our team is here to help you with all your insurance needs, whatever they might be. Call or stop by today!

A major remodel might change your homeowner’s insurance needs

Our homes are typically the largest financial investment that we’ll make in our lives. As your family grows and changes, you might find that a major renovation project is necessary to meet your changing needs. Before you embark on such an enormous undertaking, it’s important to closely examine your current homeowner’s policy to ensure that it provides the coverage you’ll need during your project.

After the work is completed, it might be necessary to make adjustments to your current policy to provide coverage for your newly transformed home needs. Fortunately, sitting down with your local insurance agent can help you confirm that you have the coverage you need both during the renovation project and afterward, too. 

Taking the time to review your policy and make any necessary changes before the project begins can save you a lot of headaches in the future. Contact our team today.

Now’s the time to get to know our team!

If you’re a homeowner in Medford, NJ, or the Tri-State area, you’ll want to get to know the team at Rock Insurance Services. We’re here to help you protect your home, auto, and life. Give us a call or come by our office today to find out more about our comprehensive insurance services!

Essential Home Insurance Tips for the Tri-State Area

Your most precious investments deserve to be protected at all times. At Rock Insurance Services, this is our primary objective. Medford, NJ residents who have purchased (or are in the process of purchasing) a home in the Tri-State region will need to make sure that they are taking the proper precautions. Thanks to this handy guide, this process has never been easier.

Assess Your Coverage Gaps

Each home is going to come with its own specific needs. If these needs are not addressed, a Tri-State homeowner will be left to handle whatever expenses arise as a direct result of their insufficient policy. That’s why taking the time to assess your coverage gaps is of the utmost importance. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that everything will be covered by a standard homeowners insurance policy.

Address Your High-Value Items

Medford, NJ, homeowners will often make the mistake of assuming that their high-value items are covered under a typical insurance policy. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. If you have jewelry, high-end clothing, artwork, costly electronics, or any other items that could fit this type of description, they need to be discussed before a policy is established.

Liability Evaluation

Potential liabilities must be discussed in detail when it comes time to decide on a homeowners insurance policy. Let’s say that an accident takes place in your home. Under a standard homeowners insurance policy, you could be left exposed to a potential lawsuit. Be sure to assess any and all potential liabilities before making a final decision.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Medford, NJ residents who are looking to learn more are urged to contact Rock Insurance Services as soon as possible. We are here to assist all Tri-State homeowners so that they are able to steer clear of the usual issues and concerns that are bound to arise.

Protect Yourself and Your Home With Home Insurance

When you own a home, protecting it is essential. You need to have a home insurance policy with plenty of coverage for the things you own. A home is usually a homeowner’s biggest investment, and you need to protect it against a wide range of things that can happen to it. Without home insurance, you could end up owing many thousands for things like repairs after an accident or other incident. If you’re in the Tri-State area, call us at Rock Insurance Services in Medford, NJ to protect your home and protect yourself financially. 

Protecting Your Home

One of the essential types of protection that you get with home insurance is home protection. This protects the dwelling against many of the things that can happen to it and cause damage. If certain disasters happen or a damaging accident occurs, the policy can pay for all of the work you need done to restore the home, minus your deductible. This protects you financially in a significant way. Major home repairs can cost many thousands, and they may be too expensive for you to be able to cover. 

Protection for Belongings

The items inside your home are also an investment, and you need to protect those as well. Home insurance includes coverage for all of the items in the home to be replaced if a covered event occurs and causes damage or destruction. The value of your belongings, when added together, is quite high. It’s always a good idea to have these covered so that they can be replaced if needed. This protects you financially as well as giving you peace of mind. 

Get Your Home Insurance Policy

In the Tri-State area, you can call us at Rock Insurance Services in Medford, NJ to find out more about this coverage and to get started with a policy. 


The Importance of Home Insurance

Our insurance agents at Rock Insurance Services serving the Tri-State area, including Medford, NJ, are stressing the importance of home insurance.

If you have a mortgage on your home, you are probably required to have a home insurance policy in place until your loan is paid off. Even if you do not owe money on your house, it is imperative that you have a home insurance policy to help protect the large investment you have made in your beautiful home.

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

None of us know what the future holds, which is the reason why all types of insurance policies are so important. When it comes to home insurance, we never know if our house will be hit by a tornado or some other natural disaster. We can put up smoke detectors and be diligent about keeping our home safe from a fire, yet it can still happen when we are at least expecting it. We can put the best alarm systems in place to protect our home, but it can still be burglarized or vandalized, which means you will need home insurance to help cover the damages and get you and your family back into your home safely.

My home insurance policy is designed to protect your house if it is damaged or destroyed by one of these types of horrible occurrences. Most policies include the structure of your house as well as your personal belongings. Your personal belongings can include your clothing, makeup, and jewelry, but also the appliances, electronics, and furniture that you’ve worked so hard to purchase. You can even obtain a home insurance policy that will also cover any outbuildings or other structures on your property, such as privacy fences, sheds, garages, and even gazebos.

If you live in a flood or earthquake-prone area, you will want to talk to your insurance agent about adding those types of policies to your main home insurance policy since most do not already include those types of incidents.

Reach Out To Us

To create the best home insurance policy for you and your home, contact the experienced agents at Rock Insurance Services serving the Tri-State area, including Medford, NJ, today!

Riders You Can Add to Home Insurance

Riders and add-ons might have funny names, but they do serious work for you in your home insurance policy. On average, a home policy covers $2,500 of personal belongings. If you own items valued at more than that amount, you need to raise the coverage limit. Riders and add-ons do that for you and Rock Insurance Services can add them easily to help you better protect your Medford, NJ home.

Home Insurance Add-ons

Jewelry Add-on

Many people own at least one piece of jewelry that exceeds the value of the typical coverage limit. An engagement ring pushes them over the $2,500 mark. A jewelry add-on covers the piece of jewelry in full.

Home Emergency Add-on

Your policy determines whether you need the home emergency add-on. Some policies contain this coverage, some do not. That happens because, among homeowners’ insurance, eight varieties exist. Check your policy and if you don’t find home emergencies like burst pipes or an HVAC breakdown covered, contact us to add this coverage.

Accidental Damage Add-on

Not all home damage comes from named perils. Sometimes, it’s your kids making a mess that looks like a Tri-State tornado or hurricane hit your home that does the damage. Accidental damage covers everyday disasters like red soda or drink mix spilled on a white carpet or blood from skinned knees from a skateboarding wipeout staining the sofa upholstery. Those items cost quite a bit to repair. Adding this coverage to your policy means you won’t have to pay out of pocket.

Contact Us Today

At Rock Insurance Services, we want your Medford, NJ, home protected from all the potential problems living in the Tri-State can bring. Contact us today for a home insurance policy review, so you can find out which of your home needs your home policy doesn’t cover and add-on to it to change that.

Getting the Right Amount of Home Insurance Coverage For Your Needs

Homeowners in Medford, NJ, and the Tri-State area know that home insurance is essential in protecting your valuable asset. But how do you determine how much coverage you need?

Know Your Basic Coverage Needs 

The first step in obtaining the right amount of home insurance is understanding what type of coverage you need.

The essential components of home insurance are:

  • Dwelling Coverage
  • Other Structures Coverage
  • Personal Property Coverage
  • Loss of Use/Additional Living Expenses Coverage

These four primary coverages are all included in a standard policy and provide financial protection against losses caused by fire, lightning strikes, theft or vandalism, hail or windstorm damage, and other perils listed in the policy. 

Consider Additional Coverages 

Once you have determined your basic coverage needs, it is time to consider additional coverage that can be added to your policy depending on where you live and the risks you face. These options include:

  • Water damage/sewer backup coverage
  • Flood Insurance
  • Earthquake coverage
  • Identity theft protection
  • Replacement cost coverage
  • Liability protection

Your Rock Insurance Services representative can provide more information and help you determine which ones are right for you in the Tri-State area.

Understand Your Deductible 

Your deductible is the out-of-pocket amount before your insurance company pays for any losses or damages covered by your policy. Higher deductibles lead to lower premiums because there is less risk for the insurer if they don’t have to pay out as much money for claims.

When choosing a deductible amount for your policy, it’s essential to balance the cost savings associated with having a higher deductible with the fact that if something happens to your home, you’ll pay more out-of-pocket before any claim payments are made by your insurer.  

Give Us A Call

For help to determine how much home insurance coverage is right for you in Medford, NJ or anywhere else in the Tri-State area, contact Rock Insurance Services today!

Don’t let your home value outpace your insurance coverage!

Residents in Medford, NJ and the surrounding Tri-State area can turn to the Rock Insurance Services team for all of their home insurance needs. Let us help you protect your family home, now, and for many years to come. Call or stop by our office to find out more.

Is it time to increase your home insurance?

If you are like many people, you simply renew your insurance policies without giving them too much thought or attention. As the years go on, this common practice can cause some problems. Your home value will change year over year, and it is important that your home policy keeps pace with that value.

The above is one important reason why it is always a good idea to review your homeowner’s policy on a regular basis. Taking a close look once a year to ensure that you don’t have any gaps in coverage can help you to avoid a situation where you don’t have the protection you need. 

Additionally, if you make changes to your home, such as updating your kitchen and bathrooms, you will need to check to make sure that those improvements don’t push the value of your home over the current policy level you have. All of these considerations can be dealt with easily when you work with a local agent. Having an insurance partner who can help you stay aware of any changes that arise is a great resource to have. Find out more today about how home insurance needs can change.

Give us a call today!

Rock Insurance Services is proud to serve the Medford, NJ community and the Tri-State area. If you have any insurance questions or concerns, we are here to help. Contact our office or stop by today.

4 Times You Should Update Your Home Insurance

Your home insurance policy is a vital piece of protection for your family and your belongings. It’s also a key part of your overall financial security. It protects you if something happens to your Tri-State area home or possessions.

That’s why it’s essential to review your policy regularly and ensure it still meets your needs. But when should you do this? Rock Insurance Services in Medford, NJ can help you navigate this important coverage.

Here are four times when you should update your home insurance:

When You Move

If you move to a new home, you’ll need to update your home insurance policy. Your old policy will no longer be valid, and you’ll need a new one that covers your new home. Additionally, your new home may have different risks than your old one, so it’s essential to ensure that you’re covered.

When You Make Improvements to Your Home

If you make any improvements to your home, such as installing a new roof or renovating your kitchen, you’ll need to update your policy. That’s because the value of your home will have increased, and you’ll need to ensure that you’re covered for the full value of your home.

When You Get Married or Have a Baby

If you get married or have a baby, your home insurance needs will change. For example, you may need to add or remove coverage for particular items. Additionally, you’ll want to ensure that your entire family is included in your policy and that they’re protected if something happens to your home.

When You Buy Big-Ticket Items

Big-ticket items such as jewelry, art, or electronics should be specifically covered in your home insurance policy. If they’re not, you may not be fully protected if they’re lost, stolen, or damaged. To be safe, it’s best to add them to your policy or get a separate policy that covers them.

Update Your Home Insurance Today

Updating your home insurance policy is essential to ensure that you and your family are fully protected. Be sure to do it when any significant changes occur in your life. Rock Insurance Services in Medford, NJ can help you find the right policy for your needs. Contact us today to learn more about how to get insurance for your Tri-State area home.

Does Home Insurance Cover Renovation Projects

Rock Insurance Agency serves Medford, NJ and the Tri-State community. We are committed to helping our clients obtain coverage that aligns with their future visions. We strive to establish long-lasting relationships with our clients. We provide versatile coverage options that are designed to alleviate stress and allow our clients to live comfortably.

Does Home Insurance Cover Renovation Projects?

Your Medford, NJ property is one of your most valuable assets. Home insurance allows you to protect yourself during times of crisis. The policy any damage to the interior of your home as well as your roof. Other structures on your property, such as your garage or fence are also covered if they suffer damage. All of your personal items at your home are covered if you are the victim of a break-in or those items are damaged.

Your home is also covered in the event of an accidental fire. Liability coverage is a big part of your policy. Liability coverage your if a guest comes over to your home and suffers an injury or if you accidentally damage your neighbor’s property while taking care of some landscaping.

If you plan to renovate your home in the future, generally the project should be covered. However, there are a few things to think about. If you plan to renovate your home, consider increasing your coverage. If a natural disaster damages your home, you may not be completely covered if you didn’t modify your policy before the project started.

It’s also a good idea to increase your liability limits, as your property will be a high-traffic area until the project is complete. That increases the risk that someone may get injured.

Rock Insurance Agency Will Help You Protect Your Assets

Contact us today to learn more information about home insurance.

Who should get a home insurance plan in the Tri-State area?

Real estate continues to be a good long-term investment and owning your own home is a great way to get started. If you are going to own a property, you will want to make sure that you are properly covering it with a home insurance plan. There are various reasons why someone in Medford, NJ and the Tri-State area should get this type of coverage here. 

Why Home Insurance?

Protect Their Assets

An important reason that anyone in this part of the state will want to have coverage is to protect their assets. If you are a property owner here, you will want to know that your most important assets are protected. When you get an insurance plan for your home, it will provide support for your dwelling and your personal assets. This can help confirm you will remain supported if you are a victim of an accident that results in a loss, such as a fire or bad weather. 

Comply with Requirements

You should also get a home insurance plan in the Tri-State area to comply with your requirements. If you are going to take out a mortgage or live within a larger home association, you will be required to get a proper insurance plan that complies with various requirements. With a home insurance plan, you can remain in good standing with these obligations.  

Contact Us Today

Shopping for a new home insurance plan in Medford, NJ and the Tri-State area is a big decision and process. There are a lot of choices to make as you are building a new plan. Once you are already to start shopping for your next policy, it would be ideal for you to call our team at the Rock Insurance Agency. The professional agents with the Rock Insurance Agency understand the need for this coverage and can help you build an ideal plan.